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Registro de Loots Raros

Nessa pagina você poderá conferir a lista dos ultimos 100 itens obtidos de loots raros ao derrotar os bosses em nosso servidor. A lista está ordenada do loot mais recente para o mais antigo.

Player Boss Item Data
Ignar Daribuerm Magma Bubble
Arcanomancer Folio
13/02 10:08:28
Thert Nath Magma Bubble
Arboreal Tome
13/02 09:58:00
Sashashasaosas Drume
Lion Spellbook
13/02 09:40:47
Arthur Br Zs Magma Bubble
Arcanomancer Regalia
13/02 09:40:35
Pig Back Magma Bubble
Alicorn Ring
13/02 09:40:35
Van Daime Magma Bubble
Fiery Tear
13/02 09:35:32
Dskdsdsod Drume
Lion Longsword
13/02 09:28:53
Vinewarrior Ancient Lion Knight
Lion Plate
13/02 09:26:36
Paliadox Goshnar's Malice
Spectral Saddle
13/02 09:19:07
Cannabis Free Timira the Many-Headed
Naga Club
13/02 09:01:34
Meu Pau Ai Drume
Lion Longsword
13/02 08:50:36
Heinnekeen Timira the Many-Headed
Dawnfire Sherwani
13/02 08:43:38
Wittcher Feroxa
Wolf Backpack
13/02 08:24:26
Wittcher Feroxa
Werewolf Helmet
13/02 08:22:57
Akuzs Dartk Timira the Many-Headed
Naga Quiver
13/02 07:43:22
Bila Billu Drume
Lion Rod
13/02 07:41:11
Hermione Panix Obujos
Depth Scutum
13/02 07:13:28
Hermione Panix Tanjis
Ornate Shield
13/02 07:09:42
Chapeu De Pallha Grand Master Oberon
Grant Of Arms
13/02 07:08:20
Lucy Kushinada Magma Bubble
Spiritthorn Helmet
13/02 06:55:33
Mrflami Maxxenius
Ornate Locket
13/02 06:33:17
Switch Enginer Scarlett Etzel
Cobra Club
13/02 06:31:54
Rbt King Timira the Many-Headed
Dawnfire Sherwani
13/02 06:17:29
Cageu Parti Magma Bubble
Portable Flame
13/02 06:16:35
Dofamingo Magma Bubble
Alicorn Ring
13/02 06:01:19
Druid De Wars Magma Bubble
Alicorn Quiver
13/02 05:38:58
Furto Mesmo Magma Bubble
Spiritthorn Ring
13/02 05:24:35
Zodiiak A Weak Spot
Phantasmal Axe
13/02 05:18:05
Egzekutor Petersen Timira the Many-Headed
Naga Wand
13/02 05:01:24
Rbt King A Weak Spot
Phantasmal Axe
13/02 04:59:24
Zodiiak Magma Bubble
Alicorn Quiver
13/02 04:36:24
Infernal Pinki Goshnar's Hatred
Vial Of Hatred
13/02 04:10:22
Kondaira Epikoa Mad Mage
Ring Of The Sky
13/02 03:50:38
Claudia Sheinbaum Magma Bubble
Portable Flame
13/02 03:35:40
Death Wolf Magma Bubble
Arboreal Crown
13/02 03:22:09
Stake Attack Grand Master Oberon
Grant Of Arms
13/02 02:40:53
Yome Meto Guard Captain Quaid
Crystal Crossbow
13/02 02:24:00
None Lover Hat The Rootkraken
Amber Bow
13/02 02:19:42
None Lover Hat Obujos
Deepling Axe
13/02 02:00:46
Gabrianyel Best Magma Bubble
Fiery Tear
13/02 01:50:11
Dark Nico Magma Bubble
Firefighting Axe
13/02 01:39:11
No Panic Maxxenius
Ornate Locket
13/02 01:31:31
No Panic Duke Krule
Terra Helmet
13/02 01:20:09
Girl Scout Cookies Magma Bubble
Arboreal Tome
13/02 01:03:15
Osaminha The Bruxo Drume
Lion Rod
13/02 01:02:09
Wynams Magma Bubble
Spiritthorn Ring
13/02 00:53:52
Zabawny Magma Bubble
Spiritthorn Armor
13/02 00:40:24
Warrior Myth The Brainstealer
Diabolic Skull
13/02 00:38:31
Wittcher Magma Bubble
Spiritthorn Helmet
13/02 00:23:05
Bulltaur Brute Malofur Mangrinder
Crunor Idol
12/02 23:53:31
Dalvan Ston Lloyd
Demon Helmet
12/02 23:51:41
Kvaku Malofur Mangrinder
Crunor Idol
12/02 23:34:12
Archangell Phoenix Ratmiral Blackwhiskers
Scrubbing Brush
12/02 23:23:05
General Flagg Malofur Mangrinder
Chaos Mace
12/02 23:17:50
General Flagg Malofur Mangrinder
Ring Of The Sky
12/02 23:17:50
Warrior Myth Ratmiral Blackwhiskers
Make-do Boots
12/02 23:14:48
Lowuher Jaul
Ornate Mace
12/02 23:10:50
Index Html Bakragore
Bag You Covet
12/02 23:10:30
Romelo Bakragore
Bag You Covet
12/02 23:10:30
Raff Zera Malofur Mangrinder
Crunor Idol
12/02 23:09:21
Raffzeera Brother Worm
Writhing Heart
12/02 22:58:24
Obatala Orisha Timira the Many-Headed
Naga Axe
12/02 22:53:41
Warrior Myth Malofur Mangrinder
12/02 22:50:44
Lowshikox Urmahlullu The Weakened
Urmahlullu's Mane
12/02 22:23:42
Raffzeera Malofur Mangrinder
Turquoise Tendril Lantern
12/02 22:15:22
Raffzeera Malofur Mangrinder
12/02 22:15:22
Chico Bentu Drume
Lion Rod
12/02 22:10:55
Maga Goshnar's Spite
Bag You Desire
12/02 22:09:35
Xaviis Tanjis
Ornate Mace
12/02 22:07:58
Bandit Fulltank Jaul
Ornate Shield
12/02 22:07:00
Bandit Fulltank Obujos
Depth Scutum
12/02 22:00:25
Rp Hell Malofur Mangrinder
12/02 21:58:58
Anasha Hope Malofur Mangrinder
Skull Staff
12/02 21:54:31
Smoke Addict Scarlett Etzel
Cobra Hood
12/02 21:31:21
Andre Timira the Many-Headed
Frostflower Boots
12/02 21:25:37
Bieel Dashow Faceless Bane
Book Backpack
12/02 21:16:50
Canelacity Jaul
Ornate Shield
12/02 21:07:06
Dalvan Ston Jaul
Depth Lorica
12/02 21:07:06
Dalvan Ston Obujos
Deepling Axe
12/02 21:03:51
Golpezyn The Nightmare Beast
Turquoise Tendril Lantern
12/02 21:02:13
Xlans Grand Master Oberon
Falcon Mace
12/02 20:48:13
Golpezyn Malofur Mangrinder
12/02 20:42:24
Golpezyn Malofur Mangrinder
Shoulder Plate
12/02 20:42:24
Golpezyn Malofur Mangrinder
Malofur's Lunchbox
12/02 20:42:24
Daleru Timira the Many-Headed
Naga Axe
12/02 20:24:33
Shico Stake Bakragore
Bag You Covet
12/02 20:16:12
Jaxparro-u Bakragore
Bag You Covet
12/02 20:16:12
Bob Psycoh The Brainstealer
Brainstealer's Tissue
12/02 20:11:51
Sistine Sly Urmahlullu The Weakened
Winged Boots
12/02 20:00:20
Curitiba Loco Jaul
Ornate Shield
12/02 19:54:40
Knight Phantom Jaul
Depth Lorica
12/02 19:54:40
Bob Psycoh The Baron from Below
Mallet Head
12/02 19:48:42
Hades Sz Malofur Mangrinder
Crunor Idol
12/02 19:48:14
Tanka Fofo Malofur Mangrinder
Skull Staff
12/02 19:39:20
Milds Malofur Mangrinder
Ring Of The Sky
12/02 19:39:20
Lisan Al-gaib Malofur Mangrinder
Soul Stone
12/02 19:35:37
Big Archer Abyssador
Abyssador's Lash
12/02 19:30:53
Feiz Bakragore
Bag You Covet
12/02 19:23:13
Cristovao Warrior Brother Worm
Soulful Legs
12/02 19:14:26
Cheefinho Grand Master Oberon
Grant Of Arms
12/02 19:07:24

Top Jogadores
1. AkkeermanLvl. 2458
2. BloqueadorLvl. 2402
3. Error OnLvl. 2398
4. ThemoraLvl. 2387
5. YaroslavskyLvl. 2275