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Informações do personagem
Profissão:Elder Druid
Membro da Guilda:Member of the 250k
Visto por Último:13 February 2025, 12:03 am
Criado:8 July 2016, 9:59 am
Account Status: Premium Account
ComentárioIt is not sufficient that I succeed - all others must fail.

19 Jan 2025, 22:55Assassinado no level 1491 por Malech, Texas Longhorn, Cheefinho, Crystal Tumbado, Index Html, Ze Da Fumacinha, Beiker Ak Terrorista, Go Go Dancer, Profecy, Farpa, Rafa The Druid, Miilleniium, Druid The Destroyer, Coyote Remix, Lady Taty, Light Weed, Rush Aureriano, El Gordo Mata, Kingsold, Xesus Perez e Tauz
19 Jan 2025, 22:53Assassinado no level 1491 por Billy Johson, Kei Nishiroki, Kingsold, Beiker Ak Terrorista, Texas Longhorn, Tauz, Profecy, Rafa The Druid, Light Weed, Druid The Destroyer, Xesus Perez, Coyote Remix, Malech, Rush Aureriano, Robo Druid, Go Go Dancer, Farpa, Miilleniium, El Gordo Mata e Cheefinho
19 Jan 2025, 22:44Assassinado no level 1491 por Rush Aureriano, Beiker Ak Terrorista, Billy Johson, Cheefinho, Lord Mysterius, Caalviin, El Gordo Mata, Coyote Remix, Captain Garfio, Malech, Rafa The Druid, Texas Longhorn, Profecy, Miilleniium, Kei Nishiroki, Ze Da Fumacinha, Kingsold, Addicto e Tauz
19 Jan 2025, 22:42Assassinado no level 1491 por Index Html, El Gordo Mata, Go Go Dancer, Malech, Cheefinho, Captain Garfio, Coyote Remix, Caalviin, Beiker Ak Terrorista, Billy Johson, Rush Aureriano, Astruxys, Druid The Destroyer, Crystal Tumbado, Lady Taty, Texas Longhorn, Ze Da Fumacinha, Miilleniium, Tauz, Filho Do Perro, Profecy, Farpa e others
19 Jan 2025, 22:16Assassinado no level 1491 por Crystal Tumbado, Cheefinho, Kingsold, Addicto, Druid The Destroyer, Rafa The Druid, Astruxys, Beiker Ak Terrorista, Caalviin, Xesus Perez, Habilidade Duvidosa, Sick Comizar, Index Html, Profecy, Miilleniium, Texas Longhorn, Coyote Remix, Rush Aureriano, Lady Taty, El Gordo Mata, Ze Da Fumacinha, Malech e others
18 Jan 2025, 12:50Assassinado no level 1489 por Danxzin, a distorted phantom e a many faces

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